Turning the Tables: Successfully Raising Capital for Startups with Financial Architect®

Ask around, what IS the main problem for startups and early stage companies? You’ll find the same answer 99% of the time: IT'S MONEY!

Raising Capital, A Startup's nightmare?

Every startup faces that same major hurdle: raising capital. Except of course if you’re one of the happy few that DOES get funded, but then again, what are the terms, is it still your company and are you still in control?

WHAT IF... what if you would create, market and sell your own securities? What if you would write your own term sheet? What if you would be able to keep your equity and not dilute your shares? What if you would keep all of your voting rights? What if you would be able to raise ‘substantial amounts of capital’... all by yourself?

But how in the world can you do that? Isn’t that the privilege of Wall Street’s venture capital companies and investment banks?

The answer is very simple. Yes, you can do that. The only problem is knowing how. One VC company has decided to change this picture. Commonwealth Capital Advisors decided to unveil the secrets of securities offerings and teach you how to do it all by yourself, for a tiny fraction of the cost.

The reasoning is as follows: the cost of hiring experts who know about creating securities documents and filings is very high. The same goes for creating a marketable deal structure and managing the marketing process.

If only you could reverse the process and focus on raising capital first and then hire the experts you need; including your team executives, tech engineers, marketing people and business and product development experts.

Raising Capital: Financial Architect® puts the power in your hands

CCA has gone all the way by creating Financial Architect®. Not only did they put together a package teaching you how to raise your own funds. They have gone way beyond that. Not only can you learn how to put together your own securities offering, you will learn how to do it right.

Create that ‘Marketable Deal Structure’, don’t go begging around with a business plan to find money. Do this in complete compliance with federal and state securities laws. Make no mistakes right from the start.

Furthermore, the plan is put together by following a step-by-step process that leads to keeping the vast majority of your equity, keeping your voting rights, non dilution of your shares, creating an investment vehicle that protects you and the investor.

In the end, you will learn how to raise ‘substantial amounts of capital’, with an increasing capacity of raising more funds and keeping your company under your own control.

A manual for raising capital for every type of company or project

CCA put together Financial Architect® packages for startups, early or later stage companies, real estate/ REITS, film producers, oil & gas projects, and even venture or hedge funds.

Included to that is a resource that provides access to the Commonwealth Capital Club where you can find portals with tens of thousands of accredited investors looking for well structured investment offers. The pathway to finding funding is set.

This is a turnaround in the world of startup finance. Too many deals stay unfunded. Too many good ideas never take off. If only you take the right steps from day one. Seedfunding has been considered virtually impossible for too many great initiatives. Grab this opportunity, check it out.

The best way to find out more is to go to CCA’s website: click on Financial Architect® below. Look in the navigation column on the left for ‘E-BOOK DOWNLOAD’, and get this great piece of information, for free. The book itself will show that what CCA talks about is very true, and that their expertise will help you move forward the right way.

Kudos to CCA.
To find out more, click on Financial Architect
® below, and don’t forget your promo code.

NOTE: To receive a 10% discount on any Financial Architect® programs enter promotional code 4754 at checkout.

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